Hellenic Aid has adopted, since 2002, the Scholarships Grant Programme, which provides the opportunity to nationals of developing countries to study in academic and technological institutions in Greece. The objective of the programme is the creation of executives, capable to contribute, in the future, to the development of their country of origin.
The Greek education system, our cultural heritage, as well as the modern intellectual status of our country can operate as powerful tools to the development of their country.
At the same time, via the Scholarships Grant Programme, we create the conditions which will contribute to the assimilation of developmental assistance provided by other Hellenic Aid Service programmes, such as those in infrastructures and in professional training.
Within the framework of Hellenic Development Cooperation and Assistance, Hellenic Aid grants for the academic year 2010—2011, 100 scholarships for studies in Greece to nationals of countries included in the list of the Development Assistance Committee of OECD.
Scholarships are granted for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Greek Higher Academic and Technological institutions.
Scholarships are not provided for a) undergraduate studies in Theology (scholarships in this sector are granted by the Directorate for Religious and Ecclesiastic Affairs of the MFA) and Fine Arts. (b) postgraduate studies in Medicine. Medical specialties are under the authority of the Ministry of Health.
This Call of Interest is forwarded to the Greek diplomatic and consular authorities in eligible countries.
All interested students should submit a complete candidature file (scholarship application accompanied by the necessary supporting documents) to the above-mentioned Greek authorities in their country of origin. The latter shall forward the whole number of files to Hellenic Aid.
The deadline for submitting applications to the Greek authorities abroad is July 30, 2010.
Hellenic Aid Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2010-2011.
Application form for undergraduate studies.
Application form for postgraduate studies.
Table of eligible countries for the academic year 2010-2011.